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At 20, I was diagnosed with ADHD, prompting a reevaluation of my approach to schoolwork. Like many students, I find identifying where to start and actually sitting down to complete assignments overwhelming. 


I started to think, what if we could use artificial intelligence to create these prioritized task lists based on student's syllabi and learning styles? 

During an interview, I learned about the Master Syllabus, a comprehensive document consolidating students' syllabi by day, date, class, tasks, and deadlines, often customized by the accessibility services office and taking about two hours per student.


I began to think about the impact of automating this process using frameworks I learned from an introductory artificial intelligence course. 

I interviewed over 30 students to learn about their processes and frameworks for completing their  coursework. As part of these interviews I had students draw what they believed the app should look like which helped understand how students visually organize information and what features they would find helpful within the app. 

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I conducted a thematic analysis of my research notes from my interviews and focus groups, in addition to labeling sketches that students created during my interview sessions. Through this analysis I was able to gauge important features, visual design elements, and settings for users to have within the app. 

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I then used this data to start developing some sketches and paper prototypes for the apps main interface. I brought these sketched concepts to my senior seminar class for some feedback. I used this information to further develop one of my concepts into the digital design of the interface using Figma. 

Now, I'm collaborating with software engineer, Alex Bergeron to develop the application and the backend computing for the AI algorithm. Our goal is to beta test Syllabai with users and release it to the app store in late 2024. 


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